Single Family Home Sales
% Change % Change
from ’10 from ‘09
Boulder: -17% +31%
Broomfield: -19% -3%
Erie: -17% +18%
Lafayette: -13% +24%
Longmont: -22% -10%
Louisville: -15% +3%
Superior: +8% +8%
Mountains: -21% +13%
Plains: +5% +57%
Summary: Home sales year-to-date May are generally down from last year but up from 2009.
Average Sales Price ’05-’10 + Year-To-Date May’11
% Change % Change
from ’10 from ‘09
Boulder: +3% +4%
Broomfield: -14% -8%
Erie: -8% -9%
Lafayette: +6% +9%
Longmont: -6% -2%
Louisville: -9% +3%
Superior: +2% +1%
Mountains: +3% -3%
Plains: +1% +2%
Summary: Average home prices are up in Boulder, Lafayette, Superior and on the Plains and somewhat up in Louisville and in the mountains.
Average Year-To-Date May Inventory
% Change % Change
from ’10 from ‘09
Boulder: -3% -12%
Broomfield: +7% -11%
Erie: -14% -19%
Lafayette: -2% +2%
Longmont: -8% -4%
Louisville: -18% -5%
Superior: +16% -9%
Mountains: -14% -13%
Plains: -6% -11%
Summary: Inventories are generally down everywhere.
Average Year-To-Date May Months of Inventory
% Change % Change
from ’10 from ‘09
Boulder: +17% -33%
Broomfield: +33% -8%
Erie: +3% -32%
Lafayette: +17% -18%
Longmont: +18% +6%
Louisville: -4% -8%
Superior: +8% -16%
Mountains: +8% -23%
Plains: -10% -43%
Summary: Months of Inventory (absorption rate) are generally down from ’09 and up from ’10.
Average Days to Contract Year-To-Date May
% Change % Change
from ’10 from ‘09
Boulder: +11% +7%
Broomfield: +28% -8%
Erie: -9% +21%
Lafayette: +33% +26%
Longmont: +9% +3%
Louisville: +17% -3%
Superior: +63% +125%
Mountains: -10% -12%
Plains: 0% -10%
Summary: Average Days to Contract are up.